Like all target shooting, Clay target is a sport in which
anyone can participate no matter what age or level of fitness. It is also
very family oriented and graded to provide competition against those of
similar abilities from Juniors to Veterans.
A Category A Firearms Licence is required to use a shotgun.
Minors between the ages of 12 and 18 may hold a Minor’s Firearms
Permit. This authorises them to shoot under the supervision of Licence
holder for training and participation in approved events, but not own
a firearm.
New licence applicants must complete the mandatory pre-licence
Firearms Safety Training Course with the Firearm Safety & Training
Council and obtain a Statement of Attainment.
Category A membership of ATSC is conditional on the member
participating in no less than 4 competitions per annum.
A separate permit from NSW Firearms Registry is required
when the member decides to purchase their own shotgun and mandatory secure
storage must be provided.
Photos show Olympic medallists Russell Mark and Suzy